SUNUNU: No, no.
STEPHANOPOULOS: You’re an elected official. I’m asking whether you’re going to be swayed by it.
SUNUNU: Yeah. Look, nobody should be shocked that the Republican governor is supporting the Republican president.
Do you know what the real story is? The average American that has gone from Biden back to Trump, the average American that is feeling inflation and all these other issues that says, look, do all this — whether there’s a conviction or not, we want a culture change in Washington, D.C., and we’ll continue to support the former — former President Trump.
That’s the real story, right? That Trump is leading in the polls across America in a lot of these different polls.
So, no one should be surprised by my support. What — I think the real discussion is, you know, America’s moving away from Biden. That’s how bad Biden has become as president….