KLIPPER: NYT Readers Finally Get Dose Of Reality On Trans Debate


Over the past decade, censorship has become a normal part of our daily lives. COVID, race, gender, immigration, the “threat to democracy” — the censorship regime tips the scale on a number of liberal narratives, as government, media and tech work together to push their own preferences while sidelining dissent. Despite representing a small fringe, perhaps no narrative has been more aggressively mainlined into society than the left-wing position on sex and gender — the normalization of radical transgender ideology. But in a stunning reversal, the Very Respectable readers of The New York Times just got a dose of reality.

How many times have you been lectured on the idea that “gender is a social construct” in recent years? Maybe you’ve been pressured to add pronouns to your name tag or email signature at work. You’ve likely had to answer confusing new paperwork at a…

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