‘No One Was Fooled’ by Biden’s State of the Union ‘Lies’

“No one was fooled” by President Joe Biden’s State of the Union (SOTU) “lies,” House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN) said during an appearance on Friday on Breitbart News Daily.

Describing the night as “miserable,” Emmer blasted Biden’s partisan SOTU speech, describing the 81-year-old as “unhinged, yelling at Republicans trying to gin up his extreme left base to show them somehow that this guy who’s on the sunset of his career, somehow he’s strong enough.”

“Remember, they said last night was going to be a big political reset. If Joe Biden is banking on his partisan, angry address last night to be this quote, big political reset, it was about as effective as a strategy of rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic,” Emmer remarked, explaining that Americans “know that the real state of the union has been defined by unprecedented crisis at our…

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