Sen. Durbin’s Latest Bill Threatens the Livelihood of Community Banks and Credit Unions

The following content is sponsored by the Electronic Payments Coalition.

Hardworking Americans have been fighting record inflation for years, all while corporate mega-stores continue increasing their margins and making it harder for small businesses on Main Street to keep the lights on.

Now, these massive stores have recruited Sens. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Roger Marshall (R-KS) to help them further pad their pockets by pushing for a new law that will hurt local community banks, credit unions, and your data security. Their new bill will detrimentally affect credit card services and rewards as we know them.

Under the Durbin-Marshall credit card bill, America’s leading credit card networks will be completely altered.

The new mandates Sens. Durbin and Marshall along with their corporate mega-store allies are calling for would cause credit cards to be routed through entirely…

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