American Public Pension Funds Pour over $68 Billion Into China in Just 3 Years.


Yesterday, four of Colorado’s seven state Supreme Court justices ruled to remove former President Donald Trump from the Rocky Mountain state’s 2024 ballot. Justices Monica Márquez, William W. Hood III, Richard L. Gabriel, and Melissa Hart all held the former President had instigated an insurrection against the United States and was therefore constitutionally disqualified from holding office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. The three other justices, including Chief Justice Brian Boatright, all dissented from the radical opinion.

In late 2020, the Colorado judicial system was rocked by accusations of sexual harassment against female court employees. State law, however, shields judges from public discipline – with detailed accusations rarely becoming public unless they are part of a public court hearing. We do know between 2010 and 2019, Colorado judges were

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