Chris Christie Disagrees with Colorado Ruling: Let the Voters Decide


Staunch anti-Trumper and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has come out in opposition to the recent Colorado ruling barring former President Donald Trump from the state’s ballot.

Speaking before a group of supporters at a campaign stop on Tuesday, Christie said that the voters should decide on if Trump should be president, not a group of judges.

“What I will say is I do not believe Donald Trump should be prevented from being President of the United States by any court,” Christie said. “I think he should be prevented from being the President of the United States by the voters of this country.”

President-elect Donald Trump and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at Trump International Golf Club on November 20, 2016, in New Jersey. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Christie added that he does not believe it would be “good” for the United States if Trump were kept off…

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