‘Continually Fail’: GOP To End Debate Season In The Arms Of CNN, Disney Media


The once-lofty dreams for GOP primary debates have ultimately ended with the party’s retreat into the arms of corporate media companies that the electorate views as inherently hostile, and no decision maker, from the campaigns themselves to the Republican National Committee (RNC), wants to take credit.

The Daily Caller talked to the RNC, the DeSantis campaign, the Ramaswamy campaign and CNN, and reached out to the Haley campaign. No one can explain how RNC Temporary Committee on Presidential Debates David Bossie’s 2022 promise to center debates around independent and conservative media ended up with the RNC in full retreat and candidates flocking to CNN and Disney-owned ABC on the eve of the first primary states.

Meanwhile, voters and the RNC’s own state representatives have thrown up their hands in collective disgust.

“At first I was applauding the RNC for removing us from…

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