Al Gore Blasts Oil and Coal Producers at World Climate Summit


Hypocrisy and conflicts of interest flowed freely at COP28.

Al Gore famously launched the climate-carbon crisis campaign with his alarmist proclamations of “inconvenient truths” about human warming of the planet. His repeated gaffes have since undermined his credibility, making “the boy who cried climate wolf” howl ever louder, most recently against the latest global climate summit.  Gore says COP28, which ended this week was “on the verge of complete failure” because of conflicts of interest of “petrostates” that have not agreed to ban all fossil fuels. But other conflicts go unmentioned.

Climate-Binary Gore

Gore employed divisive “us versus them” language to coerce adherence to his demands, portraying all people as either saviors or enemies:

“There are 24 hours left to show whose side the world is on: the side that wants to protect humanity’s future by…

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