Media Fawned over Emhoff at Hanukkah Until He Revealed He Knew Nothing


Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff has been the subject of many glowing profiles about his Jewish faith, especially around the Hanukkah holiday, prior to a bizarre social media post on Monday, in which he revealed a profound ignorance about the festival.

Emhoff has never claimed to be observant or knowledgeable about Judaism, though he has taken a leadership role in Jewish affairs since being elevated to the national stage.

The media have run glowing profiles about his faith, such as this one in Politico in 2021 (original emphasis):

This week, second gentlemen DOUG EMHOFF did something routine for Jews across the globe. He celebrated Hanukkah, the Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem. But, unlike any other Jew on earth, Emhoff lit his menorah in the Vice President’s residence. In the process, he became the first member or spouse in the…

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