The Fall Of Rome Just Got A Major Historical Update That Changes Everything


All men everywhere were stunned Tuesday, as news emerged that their biggest obsession ā€” The Roman Empire ā€” received a major historical update.

A 13-year-long study conducted in Italy is changing the way we think about the collapse of the Roman Empire. A Cambridge-led team of archaeologists recently uncovered evidence in Interamna Lirenas that suggests regular people carried on thriving throughout the region well after whatā€™s considered Romeā€™s major decline period, Cambridge wrote in a statement regarding the study.

Interamna Lirenas was ā€œtraditionally written off as a failed backwater in Central Italy,ā€ the statement noted. But pottery analysis from the site suggests the regionā€™s people didnā€™t fall into Romeā€™s steady decline until some 300 years after Big Archaeology initially assumed.

Further geological and geophysical analysis of the region revealed a highly…

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