Dem Rep Loses Mayoral Race After Shocking Leaked Audio, Botched Ad


Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas lost her mayoral race Saturday evening to Democratic state Sen. John Whitmire, according to the Associated Press.

Jackson Lee was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1994 and announced her run for Houston mayor in March, where she was endorsed by prominent democrats like Hillary Clinton, according to The New York Times. She ultimately suffered defeat this weekend after her campaign was plagued by audio leaks and a botched ad. (RELATED: Utah AG Apologizes To Alleged Victims Of Anti-Human Trafficking Advocate, Will Not Seek Re-Election)

The congresswoman, who represents Texas’ 18th district, has been known for her harsh attitude toward staff, according to the NYT. In October, Jackson Lee was allegedly caught on audio calling some members of her staff “fuck ups” and questioning their intelligence.

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