Soccer Executive Announces Resignation After Comparing Netanyahu To Hitler On Twitter


A U.K. soccer executive resigned Thursday, nearly two weeks after tweeting that “Adolf Hitler would be proud” of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, several reports noted.

“My comment was a direct criticism of a politician, not about a race or religious group. In expressing those feelings, I chose the wrong words entirely and that has impacted the leadership position I hold at the FA (English Football Association),” Wasim Haq said in his resignation letter addressed to the FA Chair, Debbie Hewitt.

Haq had tweeted an apology for the Nov. 11 tweet and said he deleted it. A screenshot of the deleted tweet read, “Netanyahu has sacrificed his own people to maintain power…whilst #Palestinians are trying to maintain their sanity. Adolf Hitler would be proud of Benjamin Netanyahu.” Several reports including those by the Associated Press (AP) and the British Broadcasting…

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