‘Donald Trump Is Dangerous for Our Democracy,’ His Rhetoric Echoes Nazis


Governor J.B. Pritzker (D-IL) said Sunday on MSNBC’s “Inside” that former President Donald Trump is “dangerous for our democracy” because his language has echoed Nazi Germany.

Pritzer said, “The rhetoric that’s being used by Donald Trump, the rhetoric that’s being used by some of the MAGA extremists, it is rhetoric that was used in the 1930s in Germany. I am very concerned about the direction of the country if we see policies like what Donald Trump is espousing come to light for our country.”

Anchor Jen Psaki said, “I think you’re referencing, in part, he used the word vermin, just recently, to describe who he was targeting. As one of the leading Jewish governors in the country, what did you think when you heard that?”

Pritzer said, “Well, it’s just one in a long series of remarks, words that Donald Trump has used that are unfortunately reminiscent…

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