Transgender ‘Awareness’ Celebrations Are A Farce Reject Them


In case you were unaware, we are in the middle of Transgender Awareness Week. The week preceding Thanksgiving (an antiquated Christofacist tradition), cities, corporations, and citizens alike are compelled to celebrate America’s new priestly caste, culminating in the high holy day of Transgender Day of Remembrance on Nov. 20.

Genuflections, child sacrifice, and, of course, awareness abound during this November, which also happens to be Trans Awareness Month. 

The stated goals of Transgender Awareness Week, Transgender Day of Awareness, and Trans Awareness Month are to “celebrate” trans-identifying individuals and to “educate” the public about the supposed onslaught of violence being perpetrated against them.

Much like how “Pride Month” is every month, Transgender Awareness Week is every week. Americans are unceasingly coerced by economic,…

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