Anonymous Social Media a ‘National Security Threat,’ All Users Must Be Identified


Former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC), a Republican presidential candidate, said anonymous social media posts are a “national security threat,” so all users should have their identities verified.

Haley said, “What we need to remind Americans is antisemitism is no different than racism. They are both evil, and we don’t want to have that happen, but let’s go to the core of this.”

She continued, “Antisemitism was always bubbling underneath the surface, but now we’re seeing this massive exaggeration of it, but no one is talking about why. The truth is, if you look at social media, the misinformation and the dramatic sides of social media are instigating this. Why? Because it’s being pushed by Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea.”

She added, “It is why when I get into office, the first thing we have to do, social media accounts— social media companies, they have…

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