In what can only be described as something out of a Jack London novel, a Colorado hiker who went missing in August has been found dead while his dog remained alive by his side.
“Rich Moore, 71, of Pagosa Springs, went hiking with his dog up Blackhead Peak, a mountain just east of his home, on Aug. 19 and never returned, Taos Seach and Rescue (TSR) said,” noted Fox News.
“Crews were inserted via helicopter just below the mountain peak and moved west in their search for Moore toward the trailhead, where his car was found parked, the search and rescue said,”
Two hikers walk past Maroon Lake with the Maroon Bells in the background. The Maroon Bells, near Aspen, Colorado, are two peaks in the Elk Mountains – Maroon Peak and North Maroon Peak. They are located in the Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness of White River National Forest. (Robert Alexander/Getty Images)