Doja Cat Is ‘Scarlet’ All Over as Tour Kicks Off: Concert Review


As Doja Cat‘s “Scarlet Tour” touched down at L.A.’s Arena Thursday night for what was only its second date, fans were still learning about just what shape her first arena headlining shows would take. Title cards appearing on the big screens announced that it would be broken down into five parts — Acts I, II, III, IV and V — but it took a while to figure out whether these chapter stops would involve big costume and production design changes, as might be typical on a big diva tour.

That wasn’t so much the case, though, as the shifts Doja Cat was going for over the course of the hour-and-a-half set were more subtle than that. The singer stuck with just two costuming choices in the performance… and a single dominant color. Unlike Taylor Swift, Doja Cat spends her entire show sticking with her red era.

Or, yes, “Scarlet,” to take a pretty…

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