Woke Marvel Turned ‘Blade’ Into Women’s Film ‘Filled with Life Lessons’


The Disney Grooming Syndicate had originally planned to release Marvel’s reboot of Blade this year. You won’t believe the madness that has held it up. Actually, you will…

As we all know, Marvel’s biggest problem is that it is dying due to its affirmative action programs. Rather than making universal entertainment for a universal audience, a philosophy that led Marvel to gross $32 billion from 30 films in the pre-woke Iron Man era, Marvel is now obsessed with left-wing identity politics. While no one objects to women-led action films (Terminator 2, Aliens, Resident Evil), we do object to being told (again and again) that there’s something wrong with being a man, and that women, racial minorities, and homosexuals are virtuous simply because they are women, racial minorities, and homosexuals. Instead of creating fascinating characters, Marvel is pandering and…

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