Joe Biden’s A.I. Oligarchs Plan for Our Future — Harness U.S. Government, Team with China, and ‘Break’ Capitalism


No administration in history has been so thoroughly infiltrated by the influence peddling industry than Joe Biden’s.

The entire world knows that Biden’s administration is for sale. From foreign governments to America’s tech and defense sectors, the money will stay flowing so long as Biden’s policies stay favorable to them. This is a running theme in nearly every chapter of my latest New York Times bestselling investigative book, Breaking Biden.

While Joe poses as a working-class guy, he is beholden to a class of aristocrats from ultra-wealthy enclaves on America’s coasts. Their partnership is what sustains Joe and allows for these elites to grow their wealth and power.

The latest—and by far the scariest—way Biden World intends to accelerate this trend is with artificial intelligence (A.I.). Earlier this week, Biden announced an A.I. executive order that contains…

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