Socialists Outlaw Results of Primary to Oppose Maduro, Breaking Biden Deal and Shocking No One


CARACAS, Venezuela — It only took the socialist Maduro regime a few days, a crooked “opposition” lawmaker, and a rigged court ruling to remind everyone that as long as it is in power, there will be no such thing as a free and fair election in Venezuela.

Apparently, some people forgot.

Some 2.3 million Venezuelans participated in October 22’s “opposition” primary election. Center-right former lawmaker María Corina Machado was elected to compete against socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro in next year’s “free and fair” election, which is slated to take place sometime during the second half of 2024.

A primary election should, by all means, be a normal occurrence within a democratic system. The winner celebrates, the loser accepts defeat, and we all move to the next step of the election process. However, Venezuela is under the rule of an authoritarian socialist…

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