Democratic presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said this weekend that the government should assist first-time home buyers by offering them discounted 3% mortgages, financed by selling tax-free U.S. Treasury bonds.
Kennedy described his policy during the Breitbart News Labor Day Special on SiriusXM Patriot 125 with host Joel B. Pollak. The policy is one of several economic policies Kennedy is highlighting as part of a Labor Day push.
“I’m gonna give everybody a ‘rich uncle’ — it’s gonna be Uncle Sam,” he said. “I’m going to have Uncle Sam cosign those mortgages. This new class of mortgages is going to be for single-home buyers in those communities who are going to live and work there.”
The proposal is similar to one floated by the late conservative Harvard economist Martin Feldstein, who wrote in June 2008 that the U.S. could avoid turning the…