No, Hunter Biden isn’t a ‘troubled child’


Liberal pundits are descending to ever greater depths of self-abasement in the run-up to the
2024 presidential election
. On this past weekend’s edition of Fox News Sunday, senior political analyst Juan Williams made his case to become D.C.’s swampiest commentator by attempting to spin the
Hunter Biden
saga into an occasion of sympathy for President
Joe Biden
. Behold this tour-de-force of sycophancy:

It’s not clear to me that the current president’s wayward son and whatever he did… it’s not as clear as what the former president has done. There’s a difference between saying you’ve got a troubled child in your family, that that might even generate some sympathy from parents in this country, and saying, this man has been indicted four times (emphasis mine).

To be sure, such comments could only emerge from…

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