Presidential Contenders Don’t Impress the Heartland


Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.

It was all any heartlander could do to hope someone, anyone, might emerge as a presidential contender in the GOP debate in Milwaukee. Alas, even the most faithful felt that prickle of fear after watching the scrum of second-tier contenders. On the other hand, number 45 did not perform that well in his interview with Tucker Carlson. Still, Republicans had a reprieve as the current president all but flipped the bird at Maui by spending a few minutes – too little too late – telling locals he feels their pain. Hex (pun intended), even the witches are revolting against the Democratic Party.

Who Won the GOP Debate?

The first…

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