If Joe Biden Is Innocent, Let Him Be the One Calling for a Special Counsel

Friday on FNC’s “Hannity,” Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz argued President Joe Biden should be for a special counsel investigation into the alleged wrongdoing that has overshadowed his presidency.

Dershowitz argued if he were innocent, a special counsel investigation would clear it up.

“You know, Professor, I’m very curious,” host Sean Hannity said. “I don’t remember or recall — we probably have talked about, I just don’t remember off the top of my head, but this whole issue of Burisma. Let me give you the timeline. October 2015, we know from the reporting of John Solomon that it became the official policy after interagency collaboration for the U.S. to give this billion dollars to Ukraine in loan guarantees because they had concluded on the issue of corruption that Ukraine had made significant progress and that they deserved it.”

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