Hollywood celebrities erupted in orgasmic emotion late Thursday after officials in Fulton County, Georgia, released their mugshot of former President Donald Trump. While there was plenty of joy from Hollywood’s hardcore Joe Biden cheerleaders, some of the celebrity climaxes were disturbingly angry and vindictive — a sign of mounting, unstable rage as Trump continues to surge in the polls ahead of 2024.
Celebrities who went wild over the mugshot include John Cusack, Alyssa Milano, Jon Cryer, and Disney tool Josh Gad.
“The lying -treasonous child abducting rapist sack of shit,” John Cusack wrote on X, or Twitter.
“Let’s make sure every Americans VOTE, so guys like Inmate No. P01135809 are never in charge again,” Yellowstone actress Piper Perabo wrote.
“Yeah fuck you. You won’t feel so tough about one year from now.,” Netflix actor Ethan Embry wrote.