Stop Using Social Media Apps. The Web Version Is Often Better


I can scroll through my timeline of choice whenever I want, which is a miracle of technology. The downside: I do so, a lot, even when I wish I were doing something else. 

With this in mind, I’ve been thinking lately about how I’d like social media to be just a little bit worse—to add the slightest amount of friction so I don’t spend quite so much time doomscrolling. I found the perfect solution: using the web version of social networks on my phone instead of installing the app. Every social network—Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and even LinkedIn—works in the browser on your phone. Using this instead of an app is just a little bit janky, which for me adds just enough friction to remind me that I could be doing something better with my limited time on this planet.

But it gets better. I’ve talked about how you should always question the default settings, and the idea that…

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