No Contradiction Between Biden Calling for More Oil Production, Saying We Need to Move off Oil


During an interview with CNBC released on Monday, Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo argued that there’s no contradiction between the Biden administration telling oil companies to produce more while also saying that we’re going to move away from fossil fuels and said that moving off fossil fuels should be “a national security priority for our country.”

CNBC Senior White House Correspondent Kayla Tausche asked, [relevant exchange begins around 9:20] “[T]here’s been a general chilling effect by the rhetoric of the administration and the communications with the industry. Granted, some of that is changing now. But how can you say to these companies, you need to start drilling more, when the posture of the administration for the last 12 months has been, we are going to be moving away from fossil fuels?”

Adeyemo answered, “I don’t think those things are…

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