Roger Waters Condemns Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine in Open Letter


Roger Waters condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in an open letter to 19-year-old Ukrainian woman named Alina Mitrofanova. “I am disgusted by [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s invasion of Ukraine,” he wrote  Wednesday.

“It is a criminal mistake in my opinion, the act of a gangster. There must be an immediate ceasefire. I regret that Western governments are fueling the fire that will destroy your beautiful country by pouring arms into Ukraine, instead of engaging in the diplomacy that will be necessary to stop the slaughter.” He also expressed his hope for Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, would “demand” that the United States come to his country’s defense.

The former Pink Floyd singer-songwriter also put the text of his letter in a video that accompanied with his recent re-recording of Floyd’s anti-war song, “The Gunner’s Dream.”

“I will…

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