“Wheel of Fortune” had one of its most viral moments this week after three contestants failed to solve the painfully-obvious puzzle of “Another Feather in Your Cap.” One Twitter video of the group’s epic fail has earned over 3.3 million views and counting since being uploaded March 1. One of the contestants, Christopher Coleman, spoke to TMZ in the aftermath of the show’s airing to tell off the many social media trolls who are humiliating him for not solving the puzzle.
“This idiom [‘Another feather in your cap,’] is something I learned when I was six or seven years old. But I haven’t heard it in over 30 years and so it has been a while for me,” Coleman said. “You are also under a lot of scrutiny and pressure when you’re in production. A lot of people are sitting at home on the comfort of their own couch, yelling and screaming at the TV, when we [the…