Netflix will let Pamela Anderson ‘tell the real story’ in new documentary

Netflix has announced that it’ll serve as home to a definitive documentary on Pamela Anderson’s life, a month after the limited series Pam & Tommy debuted on Hulu. According to Entertainment Weekly, Anderson vowed never to watch the Hulu series, which focuses on the actress’ short marriage with Tommy Lee and the theft and illegal distribution of their sex tape, or even its trailer. While the Hulu series was created without the involvement or even the permission of the actress, Anderson herself promoted the Netflix documentary on Instagram

“Not a victim, but a survivor and alive to tell the real story,” she said in a handwritten note she posted on the app. The documentary film will feature interviews with Anderson, along with previously unreleased archival footage and journals. Netflix promises that the pop culture icon will “set the record straight” and that the movie, directed by…

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