“Kimberly Akimbo,” one of the hottest tickets of the theatrical season will transfer to Broadway this fall following an acclaimed run at the Atlantic Theatre Company. The musical about a New Jersey girl who has an aging disease that makes her appear to be decades older than her teenage years will begin previews on October 12 and officially open on November 10. It will perform at a Shubert Theater, but it’s TBD on which one.
Unlike other buzzy projects to hit the Great White Way of late, such as the Hugh Jackman-led “Music Man” or the upcoming “MacBeth” with Daniel Craig contemplating how it’s all sound and fury signifying zilch, “Kimberly Akimbo” isn’t relying on star power to fill seats. It’s being propelled onto Broadway because of the embrace of reviewers and audiences.
Not that “Kimberly Akimbo” arrives sans high-wattage of the prestige…