I’m of the belief that no episode of television should be longer than 52 minutes. You go over that limit, and immediately we’re heading into bloated, overstuffed territory. Unfortunately, that’s what we have with “Everything Is Bellmore.” While it does have two very, very juicy moments, we, the audience, must hack through a lot of unappetizing gristle to get there — as in way too many overlong scenes involving anyone with the last name Maisel and the first name Joel, Moishe, or Shirley.
Here are the two reasons why I didn’t give two stars to “Everything Is Bellmore”: (1) Luke Kirby’s captivating Lenny Bruce shows up at long last (the episode’s title is a reference to his hometown of Bellmore, Long Island). I freely admit I screamed “Oh, thank G-d!” at my laptop…