Hours after Kanye West announced that Donda 2 will only be available to stream on his Stem Player, the rapper revealed that he has sold over 6,200 devices — good for $1.3 million — in the past 24 hours. Along with sharing the sales data, he leveled some sharp criticism at the streaming services as he explained why his upcoming album won’t be available there upon its 2.22.22 arrival.
In an Instagram post that accompanied the Stem Player sales figures — including $8.6 million in total sales since the $200 device was released in Aug. 2021 for Donda — West wrote, “I walked away from Apple right after having the most number 1’s in Apple history. Song Writers have been really hurt by streaming platforms.”
West continued, “Some say I’m the only one who can make this change. So as the leading innovator in music of the past 20 years. I’m putting my own work on…