SM Entertainment had K-pop fans buzzing in January when the company unveiled the lineup for SM’s first all-female “supergroup,” dubbed “Girls on Top” (or “GOT” for short). Revealed during the entertainment company’s annual SMTOWN LIVE event, the new group launched with seven artists, representing some of the biggest acts on SM’s roster — including solo act BoA, Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon and Hyoyeon, Seulgi and Wendy from Red Velvet, and Karina and Winter from Aespa.
Girls on Top debuted with the seven performers organized into a unit called “GOT the Beat;” SM says GOT will feature other artists and units that “rotate” in and out of the group in subsequent incarnations.
For now though, fans are embracing GOT the Beat, with the video for the group’s first single, “Step Back,” having amassed more than 65 million views since it was released on New…