“The Novelist’s Film,” which Wednesday earned Korean director Hong Sang-soo the Grand Jury Prize in Berlin, has scored multiple rights deals.
With Seoul-based Finecut handling the rights sales, the film was licensed to Ama Films for Greece and Cyprus, Mimosa Films for Japan, Atalante Cinema for Spain, Arizona Films Distribution for France and to The Cinema Guild for the U.S.
Finecut also did European Film Market business with “Contorted,” an unorthodox horror about a family tragedy. It pre-sold the title to Thailand’s Sahamongkol Films and to Indonesia’s PT. Prima Cinema Multimedia).
“Heaven: To The Land Of Happiness,” was licensed by Finecut to Little Monster Films for Australia and, New Zealand, to Twin for Japan, Viva Networks for The Philippines, and to Long Shong for Taiwan. The film is directed by Im Sang-soo and was part of the official selection for…