Viral video showed a group of Virginia students serving a lawsuit to the Loudoun County school board over its mask mandates.
Delivered at a meeting on Tuesday, the students were seen carrying piles of affidavits into the chamber as parents cheered. Take a look:
Mask-Obsessed School Board Gets Served MASSIVE LAWSUIT At Public Hearing— The Crowd’s Reaction Says It All
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) February 9, 2022
According to the Loudoun Times-Mirror, the affidavits were presented after a “speaker claimed that the school division failed to respond to a Feb. 2 notice of ‘maladministration, and demand to cease and desist enforcing what they said are unconstitutional mandates on students.’”
A spokesperson for the school board confirmed that the affidavits were delivered and that they would be examined. Upon delivery, Chair Jeff Morse called…