Ottawa City Official on Freedom Convoy: They Are ‘Radicals,’ ‘Miscreants’

Matthew Luloff, an Ottawa City Councilman, told American taxpayer-funded NPR that the “Freedom Convoy” protests against coronavirus-related mandates in the city were fueled by “miscreants” embracing “hate symbols,” which defies on-the-ground reports showing peaceful demonstrations attracting people of all ages.

Luloff said the protest had “morphed into something much uglier” than what eyewitness reports had proven, without offering concrete evidence.

 “When you say ugly, describe that to me,” an NPR host for Morning Edition asked Luloff.

“So some of the most well-known radicals in this country have now descended upon the capital,” Luloff said, failing to name any.

“Some of them are calling for violence. Some of them are threatening individual politicians. There have been, you know, threats against life and limb. And it’s incredibly discouraging….

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