Cyber Monday is traditionally a day when you shop for televisions or Christmas presents, and not so much for outdoor gear. But it’s not all TVs and headphones—there are plenty of Cyber Monday outdoor deals. While REI famously “shuns” the weekend’s shopping holiday, the retailer still holds a sale immediately beforehand, as well as on Cyber Monday. Other outdoor stores are getting in on the action, too. Now is a great time to save some money on tents, backpacks, sleeping pads, and Garmin devices.
Updated November 27: We’ve added a paddleboard, cycling gloves, pickleball paddles, and ultralight camping gear, as well as updated pricing and availability.
We test products year-round and handpicked these deals. The discount amounts we show are based on actual street prices at retailers in the past few months. Products that are sold out or no longer discounted as of publishing will be…