7 Places Mold Could Be Hiding in Your Home


When you’re cleaning your home, you may not always think to do a routine check for mold. However, not doing so could be detrimental to your health. Mold is a nasty fungus that can grow at a rapid pace and easily go unseen and spread over time if not removed immediately. 

Unfortunately, your house can be a breeding ground for mold spores, especially if it’s humid or if there have been water leaks or floods. “Anywhere there’s a potential for moisture, there’s potential for mold growth,” Laureen Burton, a chemist/toxicologist with the Environmental Protection Agency‘s Indoor Environments Division, told CNET.

We’ll help you find out where mold could be hiding in your house, as well as any signs to look out for. We’ll also explain any steps you need to take to get rid of the mold ASAP. For more, don’t let mold grow inside your Keurig — here’s how to clean it.

Signs mold could be in your…

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