12-Year-Old Booted from Class for Gadsden Flag

Democrats and Republicans have come out in defense of a 12-year-old boy in Colorado who got booted from class for having a historic Gadsden flag patch on his backpack.

On Tuesday, video went viral on the Internet that featured an elementary school administrator in Colorado Springs lecturing a boy’s mother about the Gadsden flag not being allowed in school due to its “origins with slavery.” Though the Gadsden flag has become popular at protests in recent years, it actually originated during the American Revolution and has no connection with slavery.

“The bag can’t go back if it’s got the patch on it because we can’t have that in and around other kids,” the school administrator said.

“Yeah, it has nothing to do with slavery, that’s like the Revolutionary War patch that was displayed when they were fighting the British.” She asked if maybe the woman was…

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