11 Signs That A Recession In The U.S. May Have Already Started


The Biden administration has given us an economy in which homelessness is at an all-time high, demand at food banks is at an all-time high, and poverty is growing all around us.  The rising cost of living is absolutely crushing households throughout the nation, and now delinquencies are rising, businesses are going bankrupt at a staggering pace, and mass layoffs are happening from coast to coast.  We won’t officially know whether we are in a “recession” at this moment or not until months from now, but I guarantee you that it certainly feels like a “recession” to millions upon millions of us.  Our economic momentum has been rapidly taking us in the wrong direction for a long time, and the level of economic pain that we are witnessing right now is truly frightening.  The following are 11 signs that a recession in the U.S. may have already…

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