Students, it’s the worst time of your life, you might as well save a little money. Just kidding, life only gets harder from here. Kidding. Again. Maybe. What is not a joke is this deal. Dell is giving students a 10% discount on things students need like Dell XPS laptops and Alienware gaming rigs. Don’t call them that when you tell your parents you need one. Just say it’s a Dell 32-inch 4K OLED Monitor, no need to say anything about gaming. It’s for your eyes, because they’re starting to bleed from all the term papers.
Save 10% With a Dell Coupon Code for Students
Now, you do have to prove you are a student to get this deal. Just verify your .edu email address through this link and you’ll get not one, but two coupon codes. One is for 10% off Inspiron, XPS and Alienware Gaming PCs (shush, stop using that word), S Series monitors and Dell brand electronics and accessories. The…